You need a health writer who can save you time, and money, and allow you to unleash your inner entrepreneur.

Time for a helping hand!

I’m Jonathan Phillips, a freelance health writer for hire. I spice up your content by making it:

  • Engaging
  • Informative
  • Exciting (inspire lasting change)

My value-packed health content is search engine friendly, social media friendly, and saves businesses valuable time.

I have a lot of experience with:

  • Health content (I’ve been doing health blogging for 8+ years)
  • eBooks (I’m a published author of multiple books)
  • Editing (I can be quite meticulous too!)

I’m also a millennial 90’s baby who lives in Austin, TX. I have a lot of knowledge, passion, and personal experience with:

  • Blogging and articles
  • Mind-body practices
  • Mental health
  • Nutrition
  • Biohacking
  • eBook writing (I’m an author myself)
  • Health research

If you’d like more info, check out my Hire Me page.

But you might be wondering, why me?

I’m a laid-back person who is passionate about sharing valuable health knowledge through content. I believe that words have the power to inspire and change people. It arms them with the knowledge that they need to live better lives.

I bring not only my research skills to the table but also leverage my own experiences that can support writing when needed.

I also have a health blog named Jonathan’s Wellness Lab where I share strategies for improving mental health, stretching, mobility, and boosting personal happiness through nutrition.

Also, my goal is to demystify healthy living for both me and my client’s readers. Look, there’s a lot of junk all over the internet related to health.

People are being bombarded with many products that they don’t need, along with misinformation. I want to help people live a healthy lifestyle without confusion. Healthy living should be fun; not a source of stress and confusion!

Feel free to check out my blogs below:

My Medium Blog – I write a lot of health posts on here, as well as some random other topics just for fun.

My main health blog – I’m an avid health researcher who is constantly sifting through research to share the greatest possible health-producing tips that I can find.

A Few Fun Facts About Me:

  1. I’m a martial artist who practices Choy Lay Fut Kung Fu and Gracie Jiu-Jitsu.
  2. My personality type is INFJ.
  3. My favorite movie is Avatar. Yes, the blue Alien movie 😉
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